


YRCTI’s Party Committee Secretary Zhou Baoping and A Delegation Visit the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia

作者: 发布时间:2023/12/06 11:39:05   来源:


On December 6, YRCTI’s Party Committee Secretary Zhou Baoping led a delegation of 6 people, including heads and relevant personnel from the Liaison and Cooperation Department, the Office of Academic Affairs, the Office of Students’ Affairs, and the School of Water Conservancy Engineering, to visit the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia and held a discussion meeting concerning educational cooperation matters including the China-Ethiopia “Chinese + Vocational Skills” program. Gebeyahu Ganga, Director of the Department of Asia-Pacific Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia, and Masresha Endalew, Head of the Division of Chinese Affairs, attended the meeting.

Zhou Baoping expressed sincere gratitude to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia for offering strong support to the China-Ethiopia “Chinese + Vocational Skills” program. She introduced YRCTI’s development history and recent achievements and reviewed the past educational exchanges and cooperation between YRCTI and the institutes in African countries. She noted that although China and Ethiopia are geographically distant, the peoples of the two countries share a deep bond. In recent years, high-level visits between the two countries have increased, and bilateral exchanges have become more frequent. In 2023, President Xi Jinping and Prime Minister Ali met in Beijing, where they agreed to enhance the high-quality co-construction of the “Belt and Road” initiative, consistently consolidate friendship and mutual trust, and deepen practical cooperation between China and Ethiopia. Under this background, YRCTI, in collaboration with 8 Chinese vocational universities, implements the China-Ethiopia “Chinese + Vocational Skills” program and has established the Ethiopia Dayu School with Arba Minch University. Relying on the advantages of Chinese vocational education resources and in combination with the technical talent needs of Ethiopia, YRCTI aims to advance cooperation in education, culture, science and technology services, and student cultivation between the two countries, promote cultural exchanges and mutual learning between China and Africa, and make contributions to international educational exchanges and cooperation between China and Ethiopia.

Gebeyahu Ganga sincerely welcomed Zhou Baoping and her delegation, and highly praised YRCTI’s overall educational capabilities and internationalization level. He also commended the significant role that the “Chinese + Vocational Skills” program and the Dayu School play in international talent cultivation and vocational education cooperation between YRCTI and overseas universities. He pointed out that in recent years, based on the “Belt and Road” initiative and the China-Africa cooperation framework, more China-Africa collaborative projects have been implemented in Ethiopia, which creates a pressing need for a large number of high-quality technical and skilled engineering talents. Through the implementation of the “Chinese + Vocational Skills” program and the construction of the Dayu School, YRCTI provides Chinese language and skill training for Ethiopian youth and innovates the educational cooperation models between China and Ethiopia, which will add new connotation and vitality to the “Future Africa” plan. He expressed that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia will continue to support YRCTI’s relevant educational cooperation projects to make contributions to the people-to-people exchanges and bonds between China and Ethiopia.

After this, both parties engaged in in-depth discussions on matters such as international student cultivation, faculty and student exchanges, and research collaboration and explored the possibilities of expanding cooperation with Ethiopian universities and research institutions, which laid a solid foundation for further collaboration between YRCTI and Ethiopia.



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