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Vice President Alisher Abidjanov and Delegation from Uzbekistan State University of World Languages Visit YRCTI

作者: 发布时间:2024/07/06 17:54:38   来源:


On July 5, Vice PresidentAlisher Abidjanov(阿利舍尔·阿比让诺夫)and his delegation from the Uzbekistan State University of World Languages visited YRCTI. YRCTI’s President Hu Hao, Vice President Jian Haoran, and the heads of the Liaison and Cooperation Department and the School of International Education warmly received them.

President Hu Hao extended a sincere welcome to Alisher Abidjanovand the delegation. He provided a detailed introduction to the history of Kaifeng, the city where YRCTI is located, and outlined YRCTI’s operations and achievements in internationalization. He expressed that China and Uzbekistan are friendly neighbors sharing a common destiny, with vast prospects for educational cooperation, and that YRCTI is willing to join hands with the Uzbekistan State University of World Languages to further deepen educational collaboration between China and Uzbekistan, setting an exemplary model for China-Uzbek cooperation.

Alisher Abidjanovexpressed his gratitude for the warm reception and provided a detailed introduction to the historical development, academic programs, and current scale of the Uzbekistan State University of World Languages. He expressed hope to collaborate with YRCTI in areas such as talent cultivation, educational resource development, as well as people-to-people and cultural exchanges, and enhance the vocational skills of youth in Uzbekistan by introducing high-quality vocational and educational resources from China to create new pathways for them to access international opportunities.

After this, both universities engaged in in-depth discussions on establishing a teacher training center, jointly conducting “Chinese + Vocational Skills” training, developing educational resources, and carrying out student exchange visits, and reached preliminary cooperative intentions.

During their visit, Alisher Abidjanovand the delegation also visited the experimental and practical training facilities, the “Footprint” cultural landscape, the Kunpeng Mountain Water Conservancy Training Base, and the Yellow River Engineering Culture Corridor. They praised YRCTI’s practical training conditions, faculty teams, and achievements in talent cultivation, and expressed great confidence in the future cooperation between the two universities.



   Address:No.1 Dongjing Road, Kaifeng, China


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