作者: 发布时间:2023/06/20 18:25:28 来源:
序号 |
专业名称 |
Major |
1 |
安全技术与管理 |
Safety technology and management |
2 |
水电站设备安装与管理 |
Installation and management of hydropower station equipment |
3 |
水利工程 |
irrigation works |
4 |
水利水电工程技术 |
Water conservancy and hydropower engineering technology |
5 |
水利水电建筑工程 |
Water conservancy and hydropower construction projects |
6 |
水生态修复技术 |
Water ecological restoration technology |
7 |
水土保持技术 |
Soil and water conservation technology |
8 |
水文与工程地质 |
Hydrology and Engineering geology |
9 |
水文与水资源技术 |
Hydrology and water resources technology |
10 |
治河与航道工程技术 |
River control and waterway engineering technology |
11 |
智慧水利技术 |
Smart water conservancy technology |
12 |
建筑工程技术 |
Construction engineering technology |
13 |
地下与隧道工程技术 |
Underground and tunnel engineering technology |
14 |
土木工程检测技术 |
Civil engineering testing technology |
15 |
工程造价 |
Construction cost |
16 |
给排水工程技术 |
Water supply and drainage engineering technology |
17 |
道路与桥梁工程技术 |
Road and bridge engineering technology |
18 |
城市轨道交通工程技术 |
Urban rail transit engineering technology |
19 |
工程测量技术 |
Engineering measurement technology |
20 |
测绘工程技术 |
Surveying and mapping engineering technology |
21 |
测绘地理信息技术 |
Surveying and mapping geographic information technology |
22 |
摄影测量与遥感技术 |
Photogrammetry and remote sensing technology |
23 |
地籍测绘与土地管理 |
Cadastral mapping and land management |
24 |
无人机测绘技术 |
UAV mapping technology |
25 |
机械设计与制造 |
Mechanical design and manufacturing |
26 |
数控技术 |
numerical control technique |
27 |
模具设计与制造(3D打印) |
Mold Design and Manufacture (3D printing) |
28 |
机电一体化技术 |
Mechatronics technology |
29 |
工业机器人技术 |
Industrial robotics technology |
30 |
智能工程机械运用技术 |
Intelligent construction machinery application technology |
31 |
汽车检测与维修技术 |
Vehicle detection and maintenance technology |
32 |
发电厂及电力系统 |
Power plants and electric power systems |
33 |
电气自动化技术 |
Electrical automation technology |
34 |
电子信息工程技术 |
Electronic information engineering technology |
35 |
智能互联网络技术 |
Intelligent Internet network technology |
36 |
金融科技应用 |
Fintech applications |
37 |
大数据与财务管理 |
Big data and financial management |
38 |
大数据与会计 |
Big Data and Accounting |
39 |
会计信息管理 |
Accounting information management |
40 |
市场营销 |
Marketing management |
41 |
电子商务 |
E-Commerce |
42 |
跨境电子商务 |
Cross-border e-commerce |
43 |
网络营销与直播电商 |
Online marketing and live streaming e-commerce |
44 |
现代物流管理 |
Modern logistics management |
45 |
环境监测技术 |
Environmental monitoring technology |
46 |
环境工程技术 |
Environmental engineering technology |
47 |
生态环境修复技术 |
Ecological environment restoration technology |
48 |
食品质量与安全 |
Food quality and safety |
49 |
大数据技术 |
Big data technology |
50 |
计算机网络技术 |
Computer network technology |
51 |
人工智能技术应用 |
Application of artificial intelligence technology |
52 |
软件技术 |
Software technique |
53 |
数字媒体技术 |
Digital Media Technology |
54 |
旅游管理 |
Tourism management |
55 |
酒店管理与数字化运营 |
Hotel management and digital operations |
56 |
民宿管理与运营 |
Homestay management and operation |
57 |
环境艺术设计 |
Environmental Art Design |
58 |
视觉传达设计 |
Visual communication design |
电话:+86-371-23657660(外事) +86-371-23657661(校友)
地址:中国·开封·东京大道1号 邮编:475004
黄河水利职业技术学院- 版权声明